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    Rehab Hospital Of the Pacific Strengthens Its Technology Core

    As we get older, we may find that our body needs more frequent tune ups – maybe you're due for a knee replacement, arthritis is affecting your spine, or... Learn More

    Creating a Multi-cloud Strategy: How to Combat Vendor Lock-in

    Vendor lock-in exists at all cloud tiers, but it increases as you move from infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to platform as a service (PaaS), and... Learn More

    Creating a Multi-cloud Strategy: How to Perform an Application Workload Placement Analysis

    Change can be scary. But if you're not willing to change, you can likely kiss innovation goodbye. Which is why you can't just look at the applications you... Learn More

    Why are launch day outages so common?

    Disney+ debuted with more than 500 movies, 7,500 TV show episodes … andmore than 8,000 peopleunable to access the service. As Disney explained, “demand for... Learn More

    Six Business Continuity Strategy Planning Mistakes to Avoid

    Disaster strikes when you least expect it, and if you're unprepared your organization can face significant downtime, data loss and employee displacement - all of which... Learn More

    What is Business Continuity?

    If you had to imagine a worst-case scenario event for your business, what would it look like? It could be a major data breach, which is becoming more frequent across... Learn More

    Business Continuity Planning: Creating A BCP Template

    Doing business in an increasingly uncertain world is becoming riskier. The rate of digital attacks and environmental disasters, alongside general political unrest,... Learn More

    The Past, Present and Future of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

    Being able to protect and continue the value creating operations of an organization in the event of a disruption is nothing new - it's something organizations have been doing... Learn More

    When IT Comes to IT Migrations and Infrastructure Resilience, Teamwork Counts

    When you think of great teamwork, what comes to mind? Perhaps The Beatles (John, Paul, George & Ringo are pretty hard to beat)? Or the Miracle on Ice (the 1980... Learn More

    Are You in Denial About Your Enterprise’s Need for Resilience?

    By James A. Martin In a survey conducted for Sungard AS earlier this year, 500 U.S. C-suite executives were asked about their enterprise’s resilience. The results may... Learn More

    Colocation & Cloud: So Happy Together

    More than 50 years ago, a little-known American rock & roll band called The Turtles released the chart-topping hitSo Happy Together,knocking the Beatles out... Learn More

    Post-merger IT Integration: How Entertainment—or Any Industry—can Avoid Costly Outages

    There's big news in the entertainment world. Viacom and CBS havestruck a deal to recombineafter 13 years apart. While the two industry heavyweights may share... Learn More


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