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    Verus Analytics counts on Sungard AS for IT resilience

    Have you ever received a letter from your insurance company telling you that you might have unclaimed insurance funds? Or seen those annual unclaimed property lists in the... Learn More

    What You Need to Know about AWS in 2019: Keep Up, Build Up, Buck Up

    Just like that, 2018 is in the books – as is the annual AWS re:Invent conference, following an action-packed week in Las Vegas last month. AWS re:Invent is a learning... Learn More

    The Everyday Resilience Heroes in Every Business

    Kathy Schneider, Chief Marketing Officer, Sungard Availability Services Sungard AS’ Chief Marketing Officer Kathy Schneider takes a look at the everyday heroes that... Learn More

    Creating a multi-cloud strategy: The best solutions and providers for your needs

    By Meg Ramsey CEOs and boards are demanding that IT go all in on cloud. Gartner believes that if you haven't developed a cloud-first strategy yet, you're falling... Learn More

    Holiday outage outrage: Where scalability and load distribution come into play

    Once a year, Santa and his merry band of reindeer take an exhausting trek around the world, distributing gifts, goodies and hoping to make everyone’s holiday wishes... Learn More

    Kubernetes: From zero to cluster with one command

    by Greg Cox Everyone in any sort of technology related role has heard about Kubernetes, and you may have heard it’s not easy to set up and get working. In this post,... Learn More

    Why high-availability systems are at the top of Santa’s wish list

    Maps, a compass and Rudolph’s red nose. This is all Santa has to rely on if his navigation system goes down during his gift-giving trek around the world. Something tells... Learn More

    How the cybersecurity talent shortage affects business resilience

    With the tech sector booming and unemployment low, cybersecurity talent can be hard to recruit and retain. The implications for business resilience are particularly... Learn More

    Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month: Businesses can’t afford to overlook these security measures

    By Asher DeMetz The United States consists of 16 critical infrastructure sectors – communications, financial services, energy, emergency services, information... Learn More

    The hidden costs of security breaches

    By James A. Martin What does a security breach or malicious hacker attack cost? For organizations that lack a fully resilient infrastructure, hidden costs can include... Learn More

    The best of both worlds: Sungard AS Managed Backup - AWS Powered by Veritas

    By Joseph George How often are you faced with making a trade-off decision where you need to make a sacrifice in one area to gain an advantage in another? A classic... Learn More


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