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    Journey or destination? For AWS Cloud, the roadmap holds the key

    Planning a journey of any type can be an exhilarating experience. For some people, the destination is more interesting than the journey; they focus on the goal or the... Learn More

    Forgetting this one thing could lead to a supply chain disaster

    It’s in your company’s best interest not to overlook disaster recovery (DR). If you’re hit with a cyberattack, natural disaster, power outage or any sort of other unplanned... Learn More

    Healthy clouds mean healthy business

    It’s the time of year when millions of Americans sign up for health insurance, and insurance providers encourage their clients to go in for a checkup or get annual... Learn More

    The big bang theory hits home: Bring on cloud archiving

    Earlier this year, space scientists discovered that the universe is expanding faster than they originally thought based on findings from the Hubble Space Telescope. This... Learn More

    Being “Customer-Ready” for Success: Sungard AS Cloud Recovery – AWS

    A few years ago, a renowned workplace consultant named Jay Forte wrote an article about hiring employees who are “customer-ready.” He says these are the people who... Learn More

    Twisters and ice storms and flash floods, oh my!

    This time of year, the trees of New England put on a spectacular color show as the cooler fall weather brings the annual turning of the leaves. Tourists affectionately... Learn More

    As the ATM hits 50, Cennox offers new lease on life

    When people turn 50, they sometimes do unusual things to celebrate the event. The Huffington Post published a list of things everyone should experience at least once... Learn More

    A little chaos now & then is the best test for resilience

    Resilience is “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, or toughness.” With the rise in both natural disasters and cyberthreats, today’s businesses must ensure... Learn More

    XRS Embraces New Data Protection Law

    Earlier this summer the GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, superseded the European Data Protection Directive (EDPD) to become the new keystone of data... Learn More

    Why customers will no longer tolerate outages like those at Delta, Cisco and Verizon

    In recent weeks, we’ve seen several IT failures that left thousands of customers frustrated across the country. First,Cisco Webex experienced a complete outage, and... Learn More

    Machine learning cartoon: It’s time to study up for the next wave of innovation

    Successful companies understand they have to innovate to remain relevant in their industry. Few innovations are more buzzworthy than machine learning (ML). The... Learn More

    Start Healthy, Stay Healthy applies to babies and technology

    For more than 80 years, one trademark has been associated with the highest customer loyalty of any consumer brand in U.S. history. Any guesses? It’s The Gerber Baby –... Learn More


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