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    IT security cartoon: Why humans are cybersecurity’s biggest adversary

    What is the price of network security? If your company understands we live in an interconnected world where cyber threats are continuously growing and developing, no... Learn More

    If your data has the “Seven-Year Itch,” try Managed Backup – AWS

    As a young Hollywood movie director, Martin Scorsese remembers the exact moment he decided to devote his time to historic film preservation and conservation. He had just... Learn More

    Reimagining Resilience in the face of 21st Century Disasters

    Earlier this month as hurricanes lined up in the Atlantic like planes heading in for a landing at LaGuardia, communities and businesses struggled to redefine... Learn More

    Hurricane preparedness for businesses: Post-storm steps and long-term disaster recovery plans

    The most important thing you can do for your business in the aftermath of a hurricane is stay safe. Flooding, downed trees, and other damage mean you should keep... Learn More

    Cybersecurity myths you should stop telling yourself

    By Nick Bianco Cybersecurity can be a magnet for myths. Attacks emerge and cripple systems availability or swipe data quickly and unexpectedly. It happens so fast that... Learn More

    Mind the Skills Gap: Match Made in IT Heaven?

    The hiring process would be so much easier if finding IT personnel was like matching on a dating website. Unfortunately, many candidates and employees lack the technical... Learn More

    Shifting from What to How: One Year After Harvey, Irma and Maria

    As the dog days of summer arrive and the cicadas conduct their annual concert series, we are reminded once again of the threat of hurricanes. And while the 2018 season... Learn More

    How to Generate CloudWatch Metrics for IoT Latencies

    by Alex Ough Like other AWS services, AWS IoT provides useful CloudWatch metrics, but it does not provide metrics related to latency such as how long it takes to find... Learn More

    Reaching the Top of the Pyramid

    Does your cloud infrastructure resemble Steven Spielberg? Or Oprah Winfrey? How about Bono? Or is it more of an Ugg or a Zog? Wait – back up: What could a company’s... Learn More

    Tammac Holdings remains strong despite freak tornado strike

    Talk about your one-in-a-million situations. On June 13th, an EF-2 tornado struck the township of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. in the dark of night. For a city of approximately... Learn More

    Airline Outage? Pick up a pencil

    Airline outages are all too common – we’ve documented the many issues major U.S. airlines have faced on this timeline. When IT fails and airline workers can’t check... Learn More

    The Halo effect of great customer service

    What do you do when Black Friday is approaching, you’re charged with providing a highly scalable e-commerce site for one of the world’s major mobile phone carriers—just... Learn More


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