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    Cyber Security Predictions for 2017

    By Sungard AS Cyber security never stands still. As businesses wake up to the need to prioritize information security, cyber criminals are becoming increasingly... Learn More

    Cyber Security: It's Everyone’s Problem

    Cyber security is an increasingly major issue and it is likely that businesses are more than aware of the risks and threats that face their company from hackers.... Learn More

    Advice for graduates: Get certified, network, and other tech career must-dos

    Starting a career in technology is one way to ensure you’ll have to continually evolve. The technology transforming industries today might be obsolete tomorrow. But... Learn More

    Data breach response: 4 ways the most resilient businesses handle hacks

    Sandra Bell Data breaches can trigger fines, deflate stock prices, irreparably damage reputations, lose customers and attract more cyberattacks. But they don’t have to. Learn More

    Sungard AS offers customers updated cloud recovery service powered by Zerto

    Sungard Availability Services (Sungard AS) is pleased to announce the availability of an enhanced version of the Cloud Recovery – Virtual Servers service it first... Learn More

    MREs or MRUs? Now’s the Time to Make Critical Choices for Hurricane Season 2018

    When a fleet of monster trucks, canoes, jon boats, motor boats, kayaks, and the Cajun Navy make their way into town, you know it’s too late to make a readiness plan in... Learn More

    Do you know which of these 7 cyberattacks isn’t real?

    When CentaurWipe infected hundreds of companies in December 2016, IT departments were left flat-footed. Named for its dual attack of locking down devices while systematically... Learn More

    Sungard AS and GFMS prove that some things are worth a second shot

    GFMS Case Study: Have you ever switched brands – shampoo, blue jeans, cell phones come to mind – thinking you could get the same (or a similar) product at a better cost, only... Learn More

    Meet Your Match: Find the perfect infrastructure solution for each application

    by Meg Ramsey No one IT infrastructure solution is perfect for every application workload. But matching each application to the right solution is easier said than done. Learn More

    Video: How businesses are improving DR plans after 2017's disasters

    2017 was a highlight reel of worst-case scenarios. WannaCry forced some organizations to play tug o’ war with their own data, while hurricanes halted business operations... Learn More

    Who needs Hosted Private Cloud? Try your landlord, healthcare provider and edtech service, for starters

    When Sungard Availability Services introduced its hosted private cloud solution for Dell EMC environments last month, companies began taking a second look at their cloud... Learn More

    Digital Transformation: Driving Cloud Adoption

    by Corre Curtice We hear a lot about “digital transformation” these days. It’s constantly on the minds of every CIO, CISO and CTO. Marketing and sales organizations... Learn More


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