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    IRS outage on Tax Day: Hack, coincidence, or overloaded systems?

    The IRS spent Tax Day trying to resolve IT issues rather than processing last-minute returns. When the news broke that theIRS’s Modernized e-File (MeF) systemwas down,... Learn More

    The ABCs of AWS: 26 features and strategies you should know

    Migrating to the cloud can be one of the best IT moves you can make for your enterprise, offering security, customization, agility and cost-savings. And Amazon Web Services... Learn More

    Open source and security: 4 questions to ask yourself

    by Mitchell Kavalsky Patching has never been more important. The WannaCry ransomware attack that infected more than 300,000 systems, the NotPetya attack that hobbled ... Learn More

    Why everyone’s thinking about ransomware the wrong way

    by Sandra Bell It’s become a fact of life that hackers might lock down your computer, blocking access to your most valuable data, and vowing to free it only if you pay... Learn More

    With a Little Help from our Friends: Sungard AS Recognizes Seven Stand-out Partners

    Fifty-one years ago, in mid-March 1967, Paul McCartney and John Lennon began writing a song they intended as a featured vocal for Beatles drummer Ringo Starr. “With a... Learn More

    How to guard your company against cryptojacking and ransomware

    By Asher DeMetz The bull market for bitcoin is catching a lot of attention. Most notably among hackers. This is why the cost of a ransomware attack was expected to... Learn More

    5 Career Tips for Women in Technology

    By Meg Ramsey Millennial women have embraced STEM and are steadily driving up the percentage of women pursuing technology careers. But finding women in technology ... Learn More

    Bringing Home the Bronze is as Good as Gold

    It’s been 16 years since an American woman won a speed skating medal at the Winter Olympics, but last week, Team USA brought home the Bronze in the Long Track Relay. Bronze... Learn More

    2018 Technology Trends in Business: The Experts Have Spoken

    2017 was a test of business resilience. While cyberattacks and natural disasters devastated some businesses, many others kept their operations running without disruption.... Learn More

    The Three Biggest IT Challenges Healthcare has to Solve

    There are three major challenges in healthcare IT today, and you’re likely contending with at least one, if not all of them. Learn More

    Managed AWS Cloud Recovery Solution - A Better Mousetrap?

    What’s that old saying? “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door?” Sungard AS Cloud Recovery - AWS is designed to ensure minimal downtime or... Learn More

    Governance at Different Scales – Part 1

    by Bob Peterson The Problem As organizations shift from traditional on-premise or dedicated hosted solutions to public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS),... Learn More


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