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    Airlines’ websites and apps often fail. Yet 84 percent of American travelers may rely on them during the travel process

    By Joseph George You can’t check in for your flight on the airline’s app. The website won’t let you buy the plane ticket you wanted. The app can’t tell you whether... Learn More

    DRI International put us to the test. Here’s how we did.

    In business continuity and disaster recovery, seconds count. Accuracy counts. Testing counts. Learn More

    What’s the bigger business risk: Cyber security threats or hurricanes?

    by Joseph George What could potentially cause more damage to your business? A hurricane or a cyber attack? If you said the latter, you’re in good company. Even after... Learn More

    Winter Bears Down - Are You Ready?

    The new year started off with a bang, if you consider a “bomb cyclone” or “bombogenesis” a noise-maker. The winter season’s first blizzard, Grayson, was a record-breaker in... Learn More

    News: Recovery Execution System Granted Patent

    Confirming its uniqueness, our Recovery Execution System (RES) was awarded a patent on 5 December 2017. RES is the first automation and orchestration platform for hybrid IT... Learn More

    News: Sungard AS Further Invests in Its Workplace Recovery Centres

    As part of our continued investment in our Workplace Recovery facilities, Sungard Availability Services is to roll out some 7,500 new ultrawide monitors to all Shared... Learn More

    News: Dublin Workplace Recovery Center Expansion

    Sungard Availability Services' newly-expanded Workplace Recovery Center in Dublin has opened its doors to customers, providing new, eagerly-awaited shared and dedicated... Learn More

    Whitepaper: Four Things Every CEO Should know About Ransomware

    Ransomware is growing at an annual rate of 350% according to the Cisco 2017 Cybersecurity Report with global ransomware costs predicted to reach $5bn this year, up from $325m... Learn More

    News UK Continues to Publish National Newspapers Following Night of Terrorist Atrocity in London Bridge

    Staff at News UK's London Bridge office found themselves at the center of one of 2017's biggest news stories – a combined vehicle ramming and stabbing attack by terrorists.... Learn More

    GDPR overview: Everything you need to know for compliance

    By Herb Schreib, Sungard AS Security Consulting Practice Director PCI, HIPAA, SOX, GLBA. The alphabet soup of government regulations and compliance standards is enough... Learn More

    Digital Transformation Provides the Insurance This Sector Needs To Grow

    While consumers and many businesses are already enjoying the fruits of digital transformation, the insurance sector can hardly bear it. In many cases, legacy systems leave... Learn More


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