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    Transportation & Logistics Companies at the Intersection of Digital Change

    The road to digital change is challenging, especially for the transportation and logistics industry that can’t bear the IT load to move forward. Legacy systems and the... Learn More

    Patched-together IT systems can leave travelers tied up after M&A

    When airlines undergo mergers and acquisitions (M&A)—and they frequently do—it means merging IT systems, too, if they don’t rebuild IT infrastructure from scratch or run... Learn More

    These are the disasters that keep business leaders awake at night

    by Dan Muse Data is the currency of today’s businesses. IT and company executives – from the CEO down – have a lot to think about these days as they try to protect... Learn More

    A traveler can forgive, but they never forget: How multiple outages impact satisfaction

    Among industries that frustrate customers, few rival the airline sector. Of course, few industries rival air travel in terms of volume, risk, regulatory compliance and safety... Learn More

    Shedding tears over WannaCry

    By Sungard AS Organizations worldwide were hit by the WannaCry cyberattack, which crippled over 200,000 computers in more than 150 countries worldwide. Repercussions... Learn More

    Digital Transformation: 4 ways to make the public cloud work for you

    by Meg Ramsey Recently I attended my fourth Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit of the year. As a seasoned Summit attendee, I appreciate the customer stories that AWS... Learn More

    Your disaster recovery plan won’t work if you forget this one thing

    In theory, your disaster recovery plan works perfectly. But have you told your staff about it? Creating the plan isn’t enough. DR decisions made in the board room... Learn More

    Why Bad Rabbit ransomware was easily preventable

    by Asher DeMetz Another ransomware attack made its way across the globe this week. Bad Rabbit started spreading across Russia and Eastern Europe on Oct. 24, and was... Learn More

    National Cyber Security Awareness Month: Should it be held daily?

    By Shawn Burke National Cyber Security Awareness Month has been observed every October since 2004, and while it is a worthwhile occasion, it may be time to think about... Learn More

    3 ways to defuse the threat of ransomware

    by Dan Muse Any cyber-attack makes IT pros shudder, but ransomware adds an extra element by its very nature – after all, you are not only attacked, but held hostage.... Learn More

    Bridging The Gap From Legacy Infrastructures To Cloud Platforms

    By Sungard AS Legacy infrastructure, public clouds, private clouds, software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, managed services … today's hybrid IT environment is... Learn More


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