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    Collaborative Security: CSOs Partner with the Business for Protection

    With their company's systems, data and brand to protect, Chief Security Officers (CSOs) were once considered just the people who said "no." Now, CSOs are abolishing the... Learn More

    Allied Building Experiences the Value of Constructing a Disaster Recovery Plan

    Allied Building Products Corporation primarily focuses on residential and commercial building material distribution for the exterior and interior construction sectors, with... Learn More

    Communicating Clearly in a Crisis

    Business magnate Warren Buffet once said: "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." Now, years on from that memorable statement, it would take... Learn More

    Resilient Culture Ensures Business As Usual for Augentius

    Longstanding, global Sungard Availability Services customer Augentius, one of the largest independent private equity and real estate fund administrators in the world,... Learn More

    BCI Cyber Resilience Report Paints Worrying Picture

    A new report published by the BCI and sponsored by Sungard Availability Services confirms cyberattacks are a constantly evolving threat that is growing more dangerous... Learn More

    Prepare, Detect, Mitigate

    A New Whitepaper Helps You Face up to the Ransomware Threat An unwitting employee clicks on an email attachment and unleashes malware that propagates across your company's... Learn More

    Click now and get free malware for your whole network!!!

    You won’t likely be duped into sending money to an overseas bank account anytime soon. But phishing scams and malware-laced communications are constantly evolving As... Learn More

    What Are IT Managed Services?

    By Sungard AS As an alternative to managing IT assets in house, organizations can opt to delegate the responsibility for managing compute, storage and network... Learn More

    The Importance Of Business Continuity Planning

    By Sungard AS The importance of business continuity planning for growing businesses The disasters and disruptions that can befall businesses come in many shapes and... Learn More

    The Journey to Innovation

    by Sue Clark There is a quote that has been attributed to multiple individuals that says, "Innovate or Die". It is based on the premise that to grow and prosper in the... Learn More

    Cartoon: Ignoring software update pop-ups? You may get a ransom note instead.

    Hackers prey on complacency like thieves checking cars in a parking lot: They don’t have to break windows if you leave the doors unlocked. They bet organizations won’t... Learn More


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