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    Top 10 Myths About Dedicated Server Hosting

    By Sungard AS Growing businesses walk a precarious tightrope between not investing enough to run successfully and sinking too much capital into overheads – whether... Learn More

    Business Continuity Plan Template

    By Sungard AS Why should you have a Business Continuity Plan in place? Having a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place can protect your company from financial and... Learn More

    The Importance of Disaster Recovery Planning

    By Sungard AS Disaster Recovery (DR) planning: don't just prepare to recover – prepare to be resilient How would your business cope in the event of an incident that... Learn More

    Definitions & Examples Of The Different Cloud Services

    By Sungard AS Private, public and hybrid cloud infrastructure services explained Choosing the right cloud solution for your business is key to ensuring a balance... Learn More

    Think you’re safe from a cyberattack? A security gap analysis may tell you otherwise.

    by Asher DeMetz Ransomware is wreaking havoc. An attack against Maersk cost the shipping company hundreds of millions of dollars. HBO was told to pay up or hackers... Learn More

    Harvey and Irma: Taking "Unprecedented" to a Whole New Level

    As Hurricanes Harvey and Irma bore down on America’s southern coastlines, we were reminded once again that despite the annual preparatory drills, there are always some... Learn More

    The Equifax Breach: No More Excuses

    by Shawn Burke The Equifax breach could very well change the way we protect our information in the future. While we all worry about how this devastating cyber hack... Learn More

    What every brand can learn from HBO’s hack and “Game of Thrones” outage

    Despite all its recent success, HBO didn’t have a great summer. On July 31,the company fell victim to hackers, with the perpetrators leaking unreleased episodes of... Learn More

    What Is Hybrid IT? The Benefits & Approaches

    Hybrid IT, in its most simple form, is the mix of IT infrastructure platforms - legacy on-premise and private/public hybrid clouds - that an enterprise uses to satisfy... Learn More

    Retooling for Digital Transformation: Manufacturers Take on the Forces of Digital Change

    Technology can be a bear to manage in any industry, but this is especially true in the manufacturing sector where digital transformation is disrupting traditional... Learn More

    Today's apps mean big business

    By Sungard AS Today, apps are no longer just for games - they are taking on big business. Just as David once felled Goliath with a well-aimed pebble, so too are... Learn More

    What Is A Mainframe?

    By Sungard AS Mainframe Definition A Mainframe is a high power, high performance computer used for large scale information processing. It can run multiple operating... Learn More


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