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    CARTOON: What's the milk, bread, and eggs of your disaster recovery plan?

    It’s hurricane season again, so hopefully you’ve prepared by updating your disaster recovery and business continuity plans to be ready for any disaster that might come your... Learn More

    WannaCry Holds Data Hostage

    How to prepare for, detect and mitigate ransomware risksIn a cyber event that brought those in charge of security to near tears, the ransomware called WannaCry encrypted... Learn More

    Back in Time: Technology Drives the Local Grocery Store

    In my hometown, one of the best jobs a kid could get in high school was working at the locally-owned grocery store: I’ll call it “Stanley’s,” for grins. Whether you were a... Learn More

    CARTOON: Digital Transformation at a Snail’s Pace

    As much as you want your digital transformation to move quickly, legacy applications can slow progress to a snail’s pace. It’s not enough to recognize the need for digital... Learn More

    Run Lambda, Run

    by Kevin McGrath Lambda has quickly become a core service in the AWS lineup. A utility knife for developers, Lambda can be as simple or complex as needed. It is the... Learn More

    CARTOON: Don’t Get Burned in Your Digital Transformation

    Does it sometimes feel like leading a digital transformation is like jumping over flaming candlesticks? Learn More

    The Different Phases of Disaster Recovery

    Disaster recovery is hugely important for all businesses. Without it, even the smallest disruption can end up derailing your entire operation, but when things start to go... Learn More

    Business Continuity Vs Disaster Recovery Or Both?

    Disruption Planning with Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning for business disruption is not a simple task and it is often easy to adopt the attitude that... Learn More

    Hurricanes and Hackers and Botnets, Oh My!

    The month of May is all about moms and grads, a time to celebrate the coming of summer and the end of the school year. Flowers are blooming, the last frost of winter has... Learn More

    Ransomware: To Pay or Not to Pay

    According to the FBI, there were an average of 4,000 ransomware attacks per day in 2016, representing a 300% increase from 2015.1 The FBI expects ransomware payments for 2016... Learn More

    CARTOON: Can Your IT Infrastructure Bounce Back?

    In today’s fast moving world, IT systems and software need to be available 24/7. That means they need to be architected from the start for high availability and resiliency,... Learn More

    GDPR: What Does It Mean for Your EU Business Interactions?

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is likely to impact smaller companies as a recent study shows that 82 percent[1] of small and medium enterprises are unaware of... Learn More


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