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    Ten Steps to a Successful Recovery

    Just a few months into the year and with several high-profile IT outages – RBS, NatWest and HSBC – hitting the headlines, we thought it timely to share our top tips for a... Learn More

    From Cost Center to Profit Center: The Changing Role of IT and the CIO

    When Josh Crowe took his first job as a Chief Information Officer (CIO) 20 years ago, things were vastly different. Here, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Sungard... Learn More

    Being a Legit Storage Architect

    by Todd Loeppke I have been around storage architecture since Milli Vanilli was caught lip-synching their songs. I have personally seen and experienced how the role of... Learn More

    A Shift in Technology Demands a Shift in Technology Skills

    By Meg Ramsey, Senior Director of Innovation Programs, Sungard AS Machine learning is clearly good for business. The Accenture Institute for High... Learn More

    Enfield Council Transforms Its IT Against the Clock

    When the London Borough of Enfield's outsourcing agreement with a third-party provider was coming to an end, the local authority saw it as an opportunity to grasp the... Learn More

    Managed Cloud AWS Gives You the Best of Two Leading Brands

    From 31 March, Sungard Availability Services will offer managed services on both our hosted private cloud (HPC) and on Amazon Web Services' (AWS). Managed Cloud – AWS will... Learn More

    IT Disaster Recovery Plan: Get Yours in Order

    In an ideal world, your business will never have to deal with disaster, but the chances of this happening are pretty slim. Natural disasters, hacks, employee mistakes, system... Learn More

    A Guide to Business Continuity Planning

    By Sungard AS "Expect the unexpected" is a phrase often uttered in business circles, but how does a company actually put this philosophy into practice? Many... Learn More

    10 DR Laws For Fully-Recoverable Production Environments

    By Sungard AS After years of experience delivering world-class disaster recovery (DR) services, we've whittled down what we've learned into 10 clear-cut rules for DR... Learn More

    How to Move an Enterprise to Continuous Integration: Conclusion

    by Greg Cox In Part 1 of this 3-part series on Continuous Integration, we introduced Version Control and the CD workflows around it as the common underlying... Learn More

    Airline Outages are a Lesson for All Businesses When It Comes To IT Disaster Recovery Plans

    Another week, another airline has a critical information system go down, stranding thousands of travellers and making a big splash in the news. If you think these... Learn More

    Porper (Portable Permission Controller) – RBAC Library for Microservices

    by Alex Ough PORPER - Portable Permission Controller, an RBAC Library for Microservices Thanks to serverless frameworks like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Function and... Learn More


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