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    AWS re:Invent 2016–So Many Sessions, So Little Time

    by Meg Ramsey In November, Sungard Availability Services | Labs attended its third AWS re:Invent. As always, there were more sessions we wanted to attend than... Learn More

    DDoS Attacks Knocking More Businesses Offline

    While online security breaches can take many forms, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a rapidly growing problem and no business or industry sector is immune. Learn More

    Resilience Takes Centre Stage with Widespread Cloud Adoption

    Sungard Availability Services has sponsored research from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the research and analysis arm of the Economist Group (of the magazine),... Learn More

    Four Things Every Business Continuity Expert Needs to Know About Cyber Security

    By Sungard AS Halloween is here – time for kids to go trick-or-treating, for teens to visit haunted houses, and for Americans to spend nearly $7 billion on costumes,... Learn More

    Sungard Availability Services’ Government Cloud Supports ‘Cloud First’ Policy and Achieves Cost-savings for Home Office

    When Home Office needed a cloud partner it could depend on to host four important applications and provide a disaster recovery service to minimize downtime it chose Sungard... Learn More

    Divide Between IT and the Board Hinders Resilience

    Following on from our report on IDG Connect research into resilience in our Spring issue, we explore the subject more deeply with a newly published book and video examining... Learn More

    New Discovery & Dependency Mapping Reveals True Picture of IT Environment

    In our experience, many clients find their production IT department is something of a black hole. Knowing what applications, the business uses and which servers and software... Learn More

    Plan to Fail in your DevOps Iterations… and Win Overall

    by Kiran Chitturi DevOps transformations are not easy. Organizational culture, people, processes, collaboration, automation and continuous improvement can act as key... Learn More

    How to Conduct a Disaster Recovery Test

    By Sungard AS Being prepared for disaster recovery is important… but not core to daily activities. So in a typical day, if there are twenty items on your to-do list,... Learn More

    From Lab to Launch Sungard AS CTO Shares What’s Happening in the Research Lab

    Leadership Update with Josh Crowe To Sungard AS Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Josh Crowe, these are exciting times both in the lab and in the market. In this Q&A session... Learn More

    IT Disaster Recovery: 5 Must-Do Steps

    By Sungard AS An IT disaster can have a severe impact on your company's ability to function. It hampers productivity and employee collaboration, damages the confidence... Learn More

    Increasing Recoverability, and Resiliency in a Hybrid IT Environment

    IT departments today have a dual challenge: delivering high availability for increasingly complex hybrid IT environments to make sure they never go down, and ensuring... Learn More


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