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    Lambda Formation: Rocket fuel for AWS CloudFormation

    Since the launch announcement in late 2014, Lambda has become one of the most popular and fastest growing services on AWS. With no infrastructure to worry about, there’s no... Learn More

    Cloud-based Recovery Goes Mainstream – yet Majority Still Exposed to Risk

    A vast number of organisations are turning to cloud-based recovery solutions, with this route emerging as the fastest-growing form of recovery expanding at a rate of 30%... Learn More

    New Deal Will Help Aviation and Logistics Giant Transform Its IT Estate

    You may have read in the press that Sungard Availability Services has signed a ten year strategic partnership with global airline services and major logistics supplier John... Learn More

    Hybrid Cloud Solution Fuels Expansion of Online Car Parts Supplier

    Successful Irish e-commerce company needed a cloud partner it could depend on to support its ambitious plans for expansion across Europe. With more than 6.5... Learn More

    A Managed Cloud Recovery Service for AWS

    If you run some or all of your production applications in a cloud deployment model, you may worry about how an unexpected outage may impact on your business. Learn More

    New Research: Resilience Comes of Age

    A new survey conducted on behalf of Sungard Availability Services asserts that resilience is no longer solely an IT issue (if, indeed, it ever was) but demands buy-in from... Learn More

    So you think you know what DRaaS is?

    By Sungard AS Many in the market see Disaster Recovery as a Services (DRaaS) as 'Disaster Recovery in the cloud'. That view is looking increasingly out-dated... Learn More

    Picking the Appropriate Lock-in

    By Todd Loeppke Recently I was sitting in a vendor presentation at a technical conference and I was reminded of how confusing it can be to know which type of IT... Learn More

    Ireland Customers Benefit From Unrivalled Infrastructure and Expertise

    The many achievements of the Sungard Availability Services Ireland team during 2015 mean customers can be reassured they are in great hands! These include gaining the highest... Learn More

    Application Management in Action with Direct Relief and Advanced Energy

    SAP® enterprise software is critical for many organizations to succeed in today's market, but managing it can be a cumbersome task for your IT staff. That's where Sungard... Learn More

    Just How Important is Having a Cloud Data Recovery Plan in Place?

    By Sungard AS Disaster can strike no matter how well prepared a business is and so it's important for companies to have well-thought out recovery plans. The cloud has... Learn More

    Discover 5 Ways To Recover Your Data On The Cloud

    By Sungard AS Although the most reliable businesses attempt to prevent disasters rather than react to them, it is inevitable that disruption will hit your organization... Learn More


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