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    Object Storage – The Alternator of Cloud Computing

    By Todd Loeppke Alternators are used in automobiles to charge the battery and to power the electrical system when the engine is running. Alternators are expected in an... Learn More

    Challenges in Business Continuity Management and how to overcome them

    In an ideal world, your business would rise effortlessly to the pinnacle of its industry, wowing clients and customers alike. In reality, no business, no matter how... Learn More

    Welcome and introduction

    Hello, on behalf of the CTO Architect team at Sungard Availability Services (AS), welcome to our blog! Learn More

    How To Select The Best Partner For Your Business Continuity Plan - Part 1

    By Sungard AS So how do you go about picking the best partner to develop a robust business continuity plan? Developing a robust business continuity plan There are ten... Learn More

    How To Select The Best Partner For Your Business Continuity Plan - Part 2

    By Sungard AS If you need help picking the best partner to develop a robust business continuity plan, you need to ask some serious questions. We have a "top 10" list... Learn More

    DIY Disaster Recovery Vs. Disaster Recovery As A Service (DRaaS)

    By Sungard AS With the cost of downtime estimated at $336,000 per hour*, the question "How would you rate your ability to execute a recovery following a disaster or... Learn More

    Ever Try To Turn Your Business Continuity Management Program On Its Head?

    By Sungard AS We do a business impact analysis. We identify risks. We put in place a business continuity management program. Presto chango, we achieve comprehensive ... Learn More

    5 Data Recovery Plan Considerations

    By Sungard AS As an individual, you know you're living in a digital age when you're more concerned about crashing your computer than crashing your car. For businesses,... Learn More

    Don't be fooled by these 5 reasons why IT disaster recovery plans fail

    "IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, PLAN TO FAIL" goes the old adage. In the current age of hyper-connectivity and uber-accessibility, dependence on real-time technology and applications... Learn More

    Moving To Tiered Backup And Recovery In Five Steps

    By Sungard AS Not all applications and data are the same, and this has implications for tiered backup and recovery. In terms of backup, many organizations default to... Learn More

    4 Secrets For Picking The Best Business Continuity Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) Solution For Your Business

    By Sungard AS Business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) solutions are many and varied. Which one is right for your company? Your Board of Directors is... Learn More

    Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): A New Way To Solve An Old Problem

    By Sungard AS Disaster recovery, downtime, data loss. Not words many people like to hear. Sure, you understand that a disaster recovery (DR) plan is important, even... Learn More


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