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    Removing The "Black Box" From Disaster Recovery As A Service (DRaaS)

    By Sungard AS How much data does your company generate in a given month? Or day? Or hour? The information itself is important, of course, but what really matters is... Learn More

    The Surprising "Weakest Link" In Disaster Recovery Success

    By Sungard AS Your company is prepared. You have your disaster recovery (DR) plan written and available on an externally-hosted website. Your contracts are in place;... Learn More

    DRaaS And The Cloud: The Why, What, And How Of Recovery Services

    By Sungard AS The network cloud has become a very popular place. All kinds of services can be found there. Now, add disaster recovery to the list. It turns out that... Learn More

    Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery Best Practices From The Availability Front Lines

    By Sungard AS As a Marine I learned the hard way how difficult it is to think straight under pressure. Now I find myself after two decades in the trenches of business... Learn More

    Think Your Business Continuity Plan Is Complete?

    By Sungard AS Your business continuity team has brought you the company's new, improved, revised, or updated business continuity (BC) plans. Nice plans –... Learn More

    Cloud's Alphabet Soup: The Difference Between Cloud IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS?

    ITaaS? SaaS? IaaS? PaaS? Wonder what it all means for you and your business? Read here to find out how to spell out 'solutions' from the alphabet soup! If you’ve been... Learn More

    Are Working Moms The "Mother" Of BC/DR?

    By Sungard AS Working moms spend every waking minute striving to keep their family life and work responsibilities—sometimes simultaneously—up and running. They run... Learn More

    Introducing Disaster Recovery as a Service

    By Sungard AS In response to customer feedback, Sungard AS's ground-breaking Managed Recovery Programme (MRP) is being transformed to provide customers with even... Learn More

    3 Questions NOT To Ask When Vetting Your Vendors For Business Continuity Risk

    Vetting your vendors from a business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) perspective is hot, hot, hot these days. For example, the federal government put out... Learn More

    Customers need to know they can retrieve and delete data from Cloud Services whenever necessary

    By Sungard AS Of those surveyed, 37% remain uncertain (22% fifty-fifty, 15% not confident) that they can transfer data to and from cloud-based services quickly and... Learn More


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