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    Sungard AS Blog | CYBER SECURITY (2)

    Ransomware attacks against U.S. government entities: 5 key observations and takeaways for municipalities

    Hackers targeted U.S. city and county governments with 79 ransomware attacks in 2020, a 35 percent decrease in the number of ransomware attacks counted in 2019 but still a... Learn More

    VPN Cartoon: Vital security practices while working remotely

    Working from home (WFH) was a foreign concept for most Americans before COVID-19 changed everything. Learn More

    How To Conduct An Information Security Gap Analysis

    One of the most critical tasks I have as an information security consultant is conducting a security gap analysis. This analysis provides a comparison of your security... Learn More

    3 tips to prevent remote workers from falling victim to phishing attacks

    The surge in phishing attacks related to COVID-19 is staggering. Barracuda Networks announced a 667% spike in coronavirus-related phishing messages in March compared to... Learn More

    How to plan for a natural disaster during a pandemic

    Annual hurricane season forecasts are here, and the news is less than ideal. Colorado State University’s forecast predicts "above normal" activity for the 2020 season.... Learn More

    Disaster Recovery Security: How to Secure Your Organization as You Recover

    Themost resilient organizationsproactively address emerging threats, prioritize cybersecurity and have a plan in place to quickly mitigate vulnerabilities. ... Learn More

    Cybersecurity Basics: How Local Governments Can Avoid Ransomware Attacks

    Baltimore has alreadyspent $18.2 million in recoveryand other costs after a ransomware attack in May. A school district in upstate New York recently delayed... Learn More

    Container Security Cartoon: What’s in Your Containers?

    If you’re using container technologies, ask yourself this: Do you actually know what’s inside your containers? Learn More

    How to Combat Data Breach Fatigue at Your Enterprise

    Since 2005, 8,983 data breaches have been made public in the U.S, according to thePrivacy Rights Clearinghouse. That works out to 1.69 breaches a day, with 11.5... Learn More

    Does having cyber insurance make your business more resilient?

    By Asher de Metz When you read about the legal battle between food manufacturer Mondelez and its insurer, Zurich American Insurance, it really makes you stop and... Learn More


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